Mutt Strut – Saturday, May 27th
The Humane Society Serving Clark County presents: MUTT STRUT Saturday, May 27th, from 12-6pm – Rt. 343 in Clifton Includes Mini Mutt Strut at 1pm, Pet Fashion Show at 3pm, and more. Walk pre-registration is $25, but general admission is free – all proceeds benefit the Humane Society.
Easter Events
COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT FOR KIDS UP TO AGE 12 11:00 A.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 CLIFTON SHELTERHOUSE Come join in the fun! All kids and families are welcome! COMMUNITY EASTER BREAKFAST! 8:15 A.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 16 CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Serving scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit, coffee, juice, milk CELEBRATE […]
Festival Planning Meeting
There will be meetings to discuss this year’s Clifton Gorge Music & Arts Festival on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Clifton Senior Center. Please come with ideas and volunteer to help! For more information call Sue Chasnov at 767-1767 or 342-2175.
Trivia Night at the Shoebox Theatre
When: The last Sunday of each month, from 7-9pm Where: Shoebox Theatre – inside the School House – 100 North St., Clifton, OH 45316 How Much to Play: $7 per person; $5 just to attend and watch; Free snacks and beverages to all participants and on-lookers What Do You Win: A Trophy to the winning team and […]