Tai Chi Classes
Wednesdays at 5:30PM Clifton Presbyterian Church $5.00 For information, contact Paula: (937)974-3511; plazorski@yahoo.com
Office for Rent in Clifton Senior Center/Fire House Building
Available now! Corner office available in Clifton. Located above the Senior Center on Clinton St., the office space measures 9′ x 11′ and has two large windows, facing north and east, a hi-speed internet cable connection, baseboard heater, and access to restroom facility downstairs. $100 per month (includes utilities), or $75 per month for a […]
Village Easter Egg Hunt
The 2022 Village Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 16, at 11 AM and held at the Clifton School Yard. The Egg Hunt is for all children through age 12.
Village Sanitary Engineering Project
We are currently finalizing the plans and specifications for the replacement treatment plant. We are hoping to submit them to the OEPA for review in the next couple of weeks. All work will be performed at the treatment plant site south of the village. We do not anticipate any disruptions of service during the construction […]
Greene County Flood Risk Information Open House
The general public is invited to review preliminary floodplain maps and learn about flood risk in their community. Those interested may drop-in at any time during the event to talk one-on-one with FEMA and State ODNR representatives. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with Ohio Department […]
Ice Cream Social
The Oldtimers’ Club is having an ice cream social at the Clifton shelter house August 18 at 5:00 PM featuring wagon rides around the town of Clifton.
Call of the Little Miami
Join us Friday, July 13th at 7PM at the Clifton Opera House for “Call of the Little Miami” to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Scenic River Act. The event will feature a film, information booths, and refreshments. Guest speakers forgot the evening include Bob Gable, Director of the Ohio Scenic Rivers; Hope Taft, Co-founder […]
Clifton Little Free Library
Please join us this Friday evening at 6:30 PM for the unveiling of the latest feature of Clifton’s Garden Park: a Little Free Library and information center. This project is the result of visionary leadership from our Planning Commission and Village Council, as part of a larger scale beautification and community enrichment initiative and in […]
Community Yard Sales – July 29th
The Village of Clifton will be hosting a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, July 29th, 2017. All residents are encouraged to participate!